MySQL高级管理工具Percona Toolkit之2——pt-align
pt-align [FILES]
pt-archiver [OPTIONS] --source DSN --where WHERE
[root@mysql155 test]# pt-archiver --help pt-archiver nibbles records from a MySQL table. The --source and --dest arguments use DSN syntax; if COPY is yes, --dest defaults to the key's value from --source. For more details, please use the --help option, or try 'perldoc /usr/bin/pt-archiver' for complete documentation. Usage: pt-archiver [OPTIONS] --source DSN --where WHERE Options: --analyze=s Run ANALYZE TABLE afterwards on --source and/or --dest --ascend-first Ascend only first column of index --ask-pass Prompt for a password when connecting to MySQL --buffer Buffer output to --file and flush at commit --bulk-delete Delete each chunk with a single statement (implies --commit-each) --[no]bulk-delete-limit Add --limit to --bulk-delete statement (defaultyes) --bulk-insert Insert each chunk with LOAD DATA INFILE (implies --bulk-delete --commit-each) --channel=s Channel name used when connected to a server using replication channels --charset=s -A Default character set --[no]check-charset Ensure connection and table character sets are the same (default yes) --[no]check-columns Ensure --source and --dest have same columns (default yes) --check-interval=m If --check-slave-lag is given, this defines how long the tool pauses each time it discovers that a slave is lagging (default 1s). Optional suffix s=seconds, m=minutes, h=hours, d=days; if no suffix,s is used. --check-slave-lag=s Pause archiving until the specified DSN's slave lag is less than --max-lag --columns=a -c Comma-separated list of columns to archive --commit-each Commit each set of fetched and archived rows ( disables --txn-size) --config=A Read this comma-separated list of config files; if specified, this must be the first option on the command line --database=s -D Connect to this database --delayed-insert Add the DELAYED modifier to INSERT statements --dest=d DSN specifying the table to archive to --dry-run Print queries and exit without doing anything --file=s File to archive to, with DATE_FORMAT()-like formatting --for-update Adds the FOR UPDATE modifier to SELECT statements --header Print column header at top of --file --help Show help and exit --high-priority-select Adds the HIGH_PRIORITY modifier to SELECT statements --host=s -h Connect to host --ignore Use IGNORE for INSERT statements --limit=i Number of rows to fetch and archive per statement (default 1) --local Do not write OPTIMIZE or ANALYZE queries to binlog --low-priority-delete Adds the LOW_PRIORITY modifier to DELETE statements --low-priority-insert Adds the LOW_PRIORITY modifier to INSERT or REPLACE statements --max-flow-ctl=f Somewhat similar to --max-lag but for PXC clusters --max-lag=m Pause archiving if the slave given by --check-slave-lag lags (default 1s). Optional suffix s=seconds, m=minutes, h=hours, d=days; if no suffix,s is used. --no-ascend Do not use ascending index optimization --no-delete Do not delete archived rows --optimize=s Run OPTIMIZE TABLE afterwards on --source and/or --dest --output-format=s Used with --file to specify the output format --password=s -p Password to use when connecting --pid=s Create the given PID file --plugin=s Perl module name to use as a generic plugin --port=i -P Port number to use for connection --primary-key-only Primary key columns only --progress=i Print progress information every X rows --purge Purge instead of archiving; allows omitting --file and --dest --quick-delete Adds the QUICK modifier to DELETE statements --quiet -q Do not print any output, such as for --statistics --replace Causes INSERTs into --dest to be written as REPLACE --retries=i Number of retries per timeout or deadlock (default 1) --run-time=m Time to run before exiting. Optional suffix s=seconds, m=minutes, h=hours, d=days; if no suffix,s is used. --[no]safe-auto-increment Do not archive row with max AUTO_INCREMENT (default yes) --sentinel=s Exit if this file exists (default /tmp/pt-archiver-sentinel) --set-vars=A Set the MySQL variables in this comma-separated list of variable=value pairs --share-lock Adds the LOCK IN SHARE MODE modifier to SELECT statements --skip-foreign-key-checks Disables foreign key checks with SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0 --slave-password=s Sets the password to be used to connect to the slaves --slave-user=s Sets the user to be used to connect to the slaves --sleep=i Sleep time between fetches --sleep-coef=f Calculate --sleep as a multiple of the last SELECT time --socket=s -S Socket file to use for connection --source=d DSN specifying the table to archive from (required) --statistics Collect and print timing statistics --stop Stop running instances by creating the sentinel file --txn-size=i Number of rows per transaction (default 1) --unstop Remove sentinel file --user=s -u User for login if not current user --version Show version and exit --[no]version-check Check for the latest version of Percona Toolkit,MySQL, and other programs (default yes) --where=s WHERE clause to limit which rows to archive (required) --why-quit Print reason for exiting unless rows exhausted Option types: s=string, i=integer, f=float, h/H/a/A=comma-separated list, d=DSN, z=size, m=time Rules: Specify at least one of --dest, --file, or --purge. --ignore and --replace are mutually exclusive. --ignore和--replace是互斥的。 --txn-size and --commit-each are mutually exclusive. --txn-size和--commit-each是互斥的。 --low-priority-insert and --delayed-insert are mutually exclusive. --low-priority-insert和--delayed-insert是互斥的。 --share-lock and --for-update are mutually exclusive. --share-lock和--for-update是互斥的。 --analyze and --optimize are mutually exclusive. --analyze和--optimize是互斥的。 --no-ascend and --no-delete are mutually exclusive. --no-ascend和--no-delete是互斥的。 DSN values in --dest default to values from --source if COPY is yes. --如果COPY为yes,DSN值--dest默认为--source; DSN syntax is key=value[,key=value...] Allowable DSN keys: KEY COPY MEANING === ==== ============================================= A yes Default character set D yes Database that contains the table F yes Only read default options from the given file L yes Explicitly enable LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE P yes Port number to use for connection S yes Socket file to use for connection a no Database to USE when executing queries b no If true, disable binlog with SQL_LOG_BIN h yes Connect to host i yes Index to use m no Plugin module name p yes Password to use when connecting t yes Table to archive from/to u yes User for login if not current user
前提:表中必须要有索引,否则报错:Cannot find an ascendable index in table at /usr/bin/pt-archiver line 3280.)
pt-archiver --source h=,P=3306,u=root,p='rootroot',D=testdb,t=test2 --no-check-charset \
--file=/mysql/test/archive.save --where '1=1' --progress 10000 --limit=10000 --txn-size 10000 \
--statistics --no-safe-auto-increment --no-delete
at /usr/bin/pt-archiver line 5094. TIME ELAPSED COUNT 2024-03-25T08:33:29 0 0 2024-03-25T08:33:29 0 10 Started at 2024-03-25T08:33:29, ended at 2024-03-25T08:33:29 Source: D=testdb,P=3306,h=,p=...,t=test2,u=root SELECT 10 INSERT 0 DELETE 0 Action Count Time Pct select 2 0.0012 48.39 commit 1 0.0004 14.23 print_file 10 0.0000 0.78 other 0 0.0009 36.60
mysql> load data local infile "/mysql/test/archive.save" into table testdb.test3; Query OK, 10 rows affected (0.01 sec) Records: 10 Deleted: 0 Skipped: 0 Warnings: 0
pt-archiver --source h=,P=3306,u=root,p='rootroot',D=testdb,t=test2 --no-check-charset --file=/mysql/test/archive-test3.save --where 'id<6' --progress 10000 --limit=10000 --txn-size 10000 --statistics --no-safe-auto-increment --no-delete
--where 'id<6' 设置操作条件 --limit 1000 每次取1000行数据给pt-archive处理 --txn-size 1000 设置1000行为一个事务提交一次 --progress 5000 每处理5000行输出一次处理信息 --statistics 结束的时候给出统计信息:开始的时间点,结束的时间点,查询的行数,归档的行数,删除的行数,以及各个阶段消耗的总的时间和比例,便于以此进行优化。只要不加上--quiet,默认情况下pt-archive都会输出执行过程的 --charset=UTF8 指定字符集为UTF8 --no-delete 表示不删除原来的数据,注意:如果不指定此参数,所有处理完成后,都会清理原表中的数据 --bulk-delete 批量删除source上的旧数据 --bulk-insert 批量插入数据到dest主机 (看dest的general log发现它是通过在dest主机上LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE插入数据的) --purge 删除source数据库的相关匹配记录 --local 不把optimize或analyze操作写入到binlog里面(防止造成主从延迟巨大) --analyze=ds 操作结束后,优化表空间(d表示dest,s表示source)
默认情况下,pt-archiver操作结束后,不会对source、dest表执行analyze或optimize操作,因为这种操作费时间,并且需要你提前预估有足够的磁盘空间用于拷贝表。 一般建议在pt-archiver操作结束后,在业务非高峰期手动执行analyze table用以回收表空间
pt-config-diff 是 Percona Toolkit 工具集中的一个工具,用于比较两个 MySQL 配置文件之间的差异。
通过 pt-config-diff 工具,可以方便地比较两个配置文件的设置,找出它们之间的差异,从而帮助您了解配置文件的变化情况。
pt-config-diff 工具可用于比较两个 MySQL 配置文件,包括 my.cnf、my.ini 或其他自定义配置文件。
-h, --help:显示帮助信息 --defaults-file=FILE:指定用于连接数据库的默认配置文件 --defaults-group=GRP:在默认配置文件中指定的组 --config, --cnf=FILE:指定使用的配置文件路径 --ignore-globals=REGEX:忽略全局配置项 --set-vars=VAR=VAL:为诊断设置变量 --no-quote-names:不要在配置项名字周围使用引号 --quiet:减少输出
[root@mysql151 mysql]# pt-config-diff my.cnf my.cnf.linux.MySQL8.0
pt-config-diff h= --user='root' --password='rootroot' h= --user='root' --password='rootroot'
pt-deadlock-logger 是 Percona Toolkit 工具集中的一个工具,用于监控和记录 MySQL 数据库中发生的死锁情况。
通过 pt-deadlock-logger 工具,您可以定期检查数据库中的死锁情况,并将死锁事件记录到日志中,以便后续分析和优化。
pt-deadlock-logger 工具会定期查询 MySQL 数据库的错误日志,检测其中是否包含有关死锁的信息。
一旦检测到死锁事件,pt-deadlock-logger 会记录相关信息到指定的日志文件中,并可选择性地发送通知邮件给管理员,以便及时关注和解决死锁问题。
pt-deadlock-logger [OPTIONS]
- -h, --help:显示帮助信息 --run-time=N: 运行时间,即监控间隔时间(以秒为单位,默认为 1 秒) --check-interval=N: 检查数据库错误日志的间隔时间(以秒为单位,默认为 1 秒) --create-table: 在监控数据库之前创建必要的表 --run-once: 仅运行一次并退出 --log: 指定记录死锁事件的日志文件路径 --notify: 在发现死锁时是否发送通知邮件 --notify-method=EMAIL: 通知方法,默认为 EMAIL --notify-condition: 自定义通知条件 --mail-to: 邮件接收者 --mail-from: 邮件发送者 --mail-subject: 邮件主题
pt-deadlock-logger --run-time=3600 --check-interval=5 --log=/mysql/deadlock.log --notify --mail-to=admin@example.com
在上述示例中,pt-deadlock-logger 会每隔 5 秒检查一次数据库错误日志中的死锁情况,运行时间为 1 小时(3600 秒),并将死锁事件记录到指定的日志文件中。同时,它会在发现死锁时发送通知邮件给管理员(admin@example.com)。