1、adop status 查看补丁状态
[appldev@ebsdev ~]$ adop -status Enter the APPS password: Connected. ============================================================== ADOP (C.Delta.10) Session Id: 31 Command: status Output: /data/u01/dev/devap/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adop/31/20200603_111227/adzdshowstatus.out =============================================================== Node Name Node Type Phase Status Started Finished Elapsed --------------- ---------- --------------- --------------- -------------------- -------------------- ------------ ebsdev master FS_CLONE COMPLETED 2020/05/29 10:24:49 2020/06/03 11:08:54 120:44:05 File System Synchronization Type: Full adop exiting with status = 0 (Success)
2、 adop phase=fsclone
3、 adop phase=fsclone 执行,所需要的密码:
Enter the APPS password: welcome Enter the SYSTEM password:manager Enter the WLSADMIN password:manager123 上述APPS,SYSTEM是oracle的数据库内部用户,如果被锁,需要进行解锁: select ACCOUNT_STATUS from dba_users where username='SYSTEM'; alter user system account unlock;
(1)APPS,APPLSYS,system等是oracle 数据库用户
(1)select USER_NAME from fnd_user where USER_NAME='WLSADMIN '