Hello Ying,
Thank you for uploading:
????.png (Login screenshot)
weblogic_error.png (Login screenshot)
Please provide the following file(s):
1. EBS Login Analyzer:
Upload the EBS Applications Login Analyzer output zip file (FND_LOGIN_HA_<DATE>.zip) by using the LATEST version of the analyzer available in note E-Business Suite Applications Login Analyzer ( Doc Id 2319360.1 ). This zip file will contain all the outputs, logs and files collected.
The EBS Applications Login Analyzer is a self-service health-check script that reviews Application Technology Stack related data, analyzes current configurations and settings for the environment and provides feedback and recommendations on best practices.
This is a non-invasive script - the Analyzer does not perform any INSERTs, UPDATEs or DELETEs to your data; it just reports on it.
Running the Analyzer as a java program:
a. Download the Applications Login Analyzer zip file from the note using the DOWNLOAD button and unzip it to the Concurrent Tier.
b. Navigate to the directory where you unzipped the fnd_login_analyzer_200_x.zip file.
Confirm these folders and jar file exist in the same directory:
c. Source the APPS environment.
d. (Optional) Run the uninstall perl script uninstall.pl to cleanup any old Classic Analyzer files and code (only need to run once).
perl uninstall.pl
e. Run the Applications Login Analyzer using this java command:
java -Danalyzer="fnd_login_analyzer.xml" -jar HA.jar
It is also possible to pass parameters inline :
java -Danalyzer="fnd_login_analyzer.xml" -Dp_fnd_user="SYSADMIN" -DAPPLSYSPUBCredentials="applsyspub/<pswd>" -DappsCredentials="apps/<apps_pswd>" -jar HA.jar
Note: The java program will prompt for the APPS and APPLSYSPUB passwords, and also for an optional EBS Applications User (FND_USER.USER_NAME). If the Applications Login issue is specific to a single user, then enter the USER_NAME, otherwise leave blank to run for all users.
The JAVA program (HA.jar) runs Operating System (OS